Mention that you've been to Amsterdam, and you'll likely to get a knowing smirk. While the Netherlands' capital is home to beautiful canals, stunning art and lovely 17th-century residences, the city is equally known internationally for its pot-purveying coffee shops and its vibrant red light district, complete with prostitutes posing in windows to lure the punters. But the red light part of that equation may soon be changing. A deal reached on Thursday between the city and a real estate magnate named "Fat" Charlie Geerts is set to eliminate 51 of the iconic display windows. Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen says that, while prostitution remains legal, the sex-worker spectacles are a magnet for miscreants. The plan affects about a third of the display windows in Amsterdam's famous Wallen district and the city hopes the move will take a bite out of trafficking and pimping -- problems that plague the sex industry in Amsterdam and indeed across Europe. But De Rode Draad The Red Threadan advocacy and support group for Holland's prostitutes, says that the move misses the target completely and disadvantages the sex workers themselves. Closing down the windows doesn't help the women. While returns vary depending on the Red Light Amsterdam Huren Xxx of day, prostitutes can rake in several hundred euros during an evening shift, Altink says. Limiting the number of windows will merely drive the rental costs up with little added protection, she says. Amsterdam has for years been trying to stem criminality in the city center -- driven, officials say, by marijuana sales and prostitution. Inthe city passed a law requiring businesses to submit detailed records in order to get their licenses renewed. Indeed, the city is forcing Geerts to close his windows under the provisions of that law. Geerts filed a suit last year in an attempt to stay in the shop window business. Mayor Cohen on Thursday hinted that there may be more restrictions to come. It is high time for a thorough evaluation of the prostitution act. De Rode Draad, though, says the government needs to go after the criminals themselves rather than the prostitution industry. Her plea will likely go unheard. Holland has for years been trying to clean up its slightly seedy image. In recent years, hundreds of coffee shops have been forced out of business and Red Light Amsterdam Huren Xxx police have cracked down on illegal marijuana cultivation in the country. Thursday's deal will likely force many prostitutes out of the Amsterdam city center and into other red light districts on the edge of the city. Cohen says he is not interested in ridding the Wallen district of all sex workers, as the trade is part of the neighborhood's identity and tradition. Limiting the supply of premises will, however, likely make window shopping a bit more expensive. Zum Inhalt springen. News Ticker Magazin Audio Account. Zur Merkliste hinzufügen X. Dieser Beitrag stammt aus dem SPIEGEL-Archiv. Warum ist das wichtig? The Netherlands. Die Wiedergabe wurde unterbrochen. Audio Player minimieren. Helfen Sie uns, besser zu werden. Haben Sie einen Fehler im Text gefunden, auf den Sie uns hinweisen wollen? Oder gibt es ein technisches Problem? Melden Sie sich gern mit Ihrem Anliegen. Redaktionellen Fehler melden Technisches Problem melden. Sie haben weiteres inhaltliches Feedback oder eine Frage an uns? Zum Kontaktformular.
On the following page you can find the best hotels in Amsterdam Red Light District. The construction of an EC will not help achieve these goals. Ein Fensterbordell bei De Wallen kostet zwischen 80 und Euro. Juni 16, um am Uhr. Most restaurants close around pm.
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General view of houses near the "Red Light District" which comes from the red neon lights that highlight the windows where prostitution is legal, but. Relocation to other parts of the city, closing all curtains or more prostitution. Hallo zusammen. Rote Fenster, halbnackte Girls & Sex-Shows. Gibt es im Red Light District in Amsterdam Anlaufstellen für AO, und wie kann man diese evtl vorher erkennen? Die Highlights im Rotlichtviertel von Amsterdam und was du unbedingt vermeiden solltest. Prostitution in the Red Light District will undergo changes.März 22, um am Uhr. And a regulated profession too. Sitting behind a window with a tiny split in the curtains was allowed. Escorts offer a more expensive form of prostitution that gives the client more privacy. Related posts. Indeed, the city is forcing Geerts to close his windows under the provisions of that law. Where can I find hookers in Amsterdam? As a result, there are fewer and fewer legal places where sex workers can practice their profession, as is shown in research performed by Pointer. The Molensteeg. Hotel Map The top 10 hotels are listed in De Wallen map: Minimum Age At De Wallen Wondering how old you have to be for De Wallen? Unten finden Sie eine sehr nützliche Übersicht aufgeteilt in 4 Teile:. Why red lights in De Wallen? Dieses Unternehmen ist 7 Tage in der Woche tätig. Amsterdam, Red Light District, Oudezijds Voorburgwal. Sint Annendwarsstraat in De Wallen. A prostitute is waiting for customers while a couple walks by. With our Amsterdam prostitution menu, you can discover all prices of prostitutes in Amsterdam. Closing down the windows doesn't help the women. However, there is much more to De Wallen than its red-light district. Window brothels in Amsterdam can be rented by the prostitutes during the day or the night. Zu unseren Angeboten. But overall, the Amsterdam Red Light District is a safe and interesting place for women to visit. The manifesto for improving the liveability in Amsterdam and against an Erotic Centre is supported by:. However depending on the time of day there might be more or less prostitutes working. It surprised me that sex work is so well organized in the Netherlands. In , Belgium became the first European country to completely decriminalize sex work by removing it from the criminal code.