Call Calls may be monitored or recorded. Opening Times. Need help? Click to chat. Open Open Monday to Friday am to 6pm, Saturday am to 4pm and closed Sundays. Calls may be monitored or recorded. Contact details can be found in your policy documentation. Region: Europe Full Name: Federal Republic of Germany Capital City: Berlin Language Spoken: German. Get travel insurance to Germany from Direct Travel Insurance. We offer low cost and high quality travel insurance to Germany and most of the world. Temperate throughout the country with warm summers and cold winters, but prolonged periods of frost or snow are rare. Rain falls throughout the year. Required clothing European clothes with light- to mediumweights in summer, medium- to heavyweights in winter. Waterproofs are needed throughout the year. Business meetings tend to be formal in Germany and suit and tie should be worn to important meetings. The use of titles and surnames, presentation of personal and corporate credentials -- all are characteristic of the German business practices. Then addressing Germans, academic or job titles are important and should be used. Punctuality is an extremely important feature of German business relations and should be kept in mind in scheduling and keeping appointments. Expeditious handling of correspondence, including the use of airmail and postal routing codes is indispensable. Telephone calls and faxes My Privat Home Blowjob Hochstadt also be promptly returned. Although German is the preferred business language, most upper level managers are quite capable of carrying on a conversation in English. Due to the importance of German at the retail level and among end-users, the need to print promotional literature and manuals in German cannot be overemphasized. Office hours are Monday to Friday, however, some businesses close early on Fridays. Violent crime is rare in Germany, but it can occur, especially in larger cities or high-risk areas such as train stations. Criminal activity directed at foreigners consists mainly of non-confrontational street crime such as purse snatching and pick-pocketing. Congested pedestrian areas, subway stations, and bus stops are the main venues for this type of opportunistic crime. Residential crime in the form of burglaries, break-ins and vandalism, continues to be of concern in all areas of Berlin, including the wealthier neighborhoods in the western part of the city. Within the past year, there has been a sharp increase in the number of burglaries of diplomatic residences. Practice the same common sense personal security awareness practices that are an everyday part of life in large cities. Hanover in Lower Saxony is frequently the scene of leftist violence, such as the city's now annual "chaos days. Elsewhere in Lower Saxony rallies by neo-Nazi skinhead groups have led to clashes between pro and anti-racist organizations. Foreigners, particularly from Asian, African and Middle Eastern countries, have been attacked during neo-Nazi marches and rallies. There have also been reports of assaults on lone females in the parking garages at Frankfurt Rhein-main airport. German police response time My Privat Home Blowjob Hochstadt emergency calls is excellent, usually under 10 minutes. Nationwide, the police phone number is ; the fire and medical phone number is There is sufficient hotel space in most major cities, unless there happens to be a major trade fair or a similar event in a particular city. Business class amenities and services can be found in all major cities, including those in the eastern states.
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